

Crisis Preparation: 3 Things for Safeguarding Your Financial Future

Safeguarding your financial future is important.

Safeguarding your financial future is important. No one likes to think about the impact of their death on their loved ones. But the reality is, not having certain elements in place can turn a tragic situation into a financial crisis. Having these safeguards in place can help provide your family with the financial security they need should the unexpected happen.

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Annuities and Market Risk: What You Need to Know

Annuities and market risk are something all investors worry about, but those close to retirement have limited time to recover from the loss. If you’re within ten years of retirement, your investments are at a critical stage to continue to gain value and avoid loss. Without thinking through the dynamics of gains and losses, investors leave themselves open to market risk that could prematurely deplete their retirement assets.

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Reflect, Reset, Rebalance Your Life

Not everyone experiences a life-changing event in their lifetime, one that impacts them for better or worse. As we continue to experience the pandemic, we are witnesses to our own experiences. We don’t know the outcome will be for ourselves, our neighbors, community, and so on. It can be an unnerving, but positive experience if it is a life-changing event that changes us for the better. As you reflect on the pandemic in the next weeks and months, consider your life as it is today and the changes that you intend to make to rebalance your life.

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HENRYs (High Earners Not Rich Yet) with Limited Wealth-Building Potential- Are You One of Them?

The term HENRY (High Earners Not Rich Yet) refers to individuals who have the potential to become wealthy in the future because of their income. These individuals or families earn between $250,000 and $500,000 per year and are between 25 and 45 years of age (Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X). Despite their income, after paying their living costs, taxes, and other expenditures, HENRYs have little left over to save and invest for their retirement. HENRYs are a demographic that politicians consider being ‘rich,’ referring to them as the wealthiest Americans during the 2008 elections. However, there’s more to the HENRY story.

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Financial Planning and Living Globally

The past 100 years have seen changes in how people plan for their financial futures and how they live. Borders no longer restrict people from living in one country; their profession often takes them to parts of the world they never anticipated. Today, it’s not uncommon for a family to live part-time in one country. Or become citizens of another country to work or have a business there. Living globally is a lifestyle that many high net worth families, and others, are choosing. Financial planning and living globally what are the risks?

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Is Retirement Really About Numbers?

For some people, retirement is all about the numbers, the age you plan to retire, how much money you need, and so forth.  We have built our planning processes in financial services based on numbers and algorithms in financial planning software to help us contrive a numeral or group of numbers that are uniquely yours.  But is retirement really about numbers?

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Is Your Life Insurance Valid if You Die While Traveling Abroad?

Traveling abroad or living abroad is a new normal for many people, but what happens if the traveler dies while off U.S. soil? Will the life insurance be valid and payout to beneficiaries? Not all life insurance companies view travel outside of the U.S. the same and may not pay out benefits.

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A Debt Reduction Plan for 2020

Being debt-free is possible for everyone, regardless of income. Learning to manage our debt and spending habits and then focus on saving can be life-changing and positively affect your net worth. Net worth calculates by subtracting your liabilities (debt owed) from your assets (not financed). Both individuals and companies can calculate net worth. It is an accurate determination of how much someone, or something, is worth. In this article, we discuss how you can create a debt reduction plan for 2020.

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Why Your Advisor Is Talking to You about Fixed-Indexed Annuities

Once thought of as a single retirement funding source, fixed-indexed annuities are becoming part of a retirement strategy. Not only for pre-retirees and those in retirement. Why? First, the reality of Social Security retirement is at risk. As well as the reduction of benefits is a concern as our population ages. Secondly, fixed-income annuities provide an income stream in retirement that you can’t outlive.

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Drawing Social Security Early and Still Working? The Social Security Earnings Test is Crucial.

Many people decide to ‘semi-retire’ early and start taking their Social Security Retirement benefit at the earliest age possible. It’s appealing to be able to work part-time or where you have an interest. You may start a small business while making an income and receive Social Security retirement benefits. While early retirement and a part-time job may be of interest to you, it can affect your Social Security Retirement benefits if you aren’t full retirement age. Take the social security earnings test to learn more about your social security benefits.

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